Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Graphic Design Artist Research

Graphic design is a creative process—most often involving a client and a designer and usually completed in conjunction with producers of form (i.e., printers, signmakers, etc.)—undertaken in order to convey a specific message (or messages) to a targeted audience. The term "graphic design" can also refer to a number of artistic and professional disciplines that focus on visual communication and presentation. The field as a whole is also often referred to as Visual Communication or Communication Design. Various methods are used to create and combine words, symbols, and images to create a visual representation of ideas and messages. A graphic designer may use a combination of typographyvisual arts and page layout techniques to produce the final result. Graphic design often refers to both the process (designing) by which the communication is created and the products (designs) which are generated.
Common uses of graphic design include identity (logos and branding), publications (magazines, newspapers, and books), advertisements and product packaging. For example, a product package might include a logo or other artwork, organized text and pure design elements such as shapes and color which unify the piece. Composition is one of the most important features of graphic design, especially when using pre-existing materials or diverse elements.
Taken from wikepedia
Graphic design can in its essence is a visual language used to express ideas and convey messages. These graphic symbols are almost nearly all universally read and understood. 

From its simplest use of information relay, graphic design can become an art form in itself. I have found learning more about graphics very interesting and below are some examples of the use of graphics I really like.

I like the use of typography and word in these images. The interplay of the font boldness and size used to create the image and shadow is interesting and the actual text adds another level.

These are amazing hand drawn letters/typography by graphic artist Jakub Konvica. Computers are used so heavily especially in the area of design that it is quite unusual to see hand drawn work, especially of this precise nature. The unusual morose imagery, I feel harks back to medieval times and the memento mori.

Coca Cola is one of the most recognisable brands in the world. I love this marketing campaign which focus on the bright side of life. Great use of colour and the always recognisable bottle which is now a symbol.

Viktor Hertz uses imagery to recreate posters and imagery from well known films and posters. Very simple but very effective, especially the use of the New York skyline to describe his hair.

I love the retro spin Albert Exergian and Stephane Mass-Bidal have given to the phenomena of Facebook and Youtube.  They play with and appropriate old fashioned 70's book design.

The use of Photoshop means that every image we look at now has been manipulated. I find it amazing how perfectly some designers alter and merge images. This is one area I really want to improve my own skills.

Shepard Fairy blurs the line between art and design, is this a painting or a poster. He also brings into question the use of propaganda.

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